Thursday, March 6, 2014

Why I Chose Disney

I've wanted to work for Disney for years now!! I lived in California when I was about 8 years old and one time I went to Disneyland with a fancy blue dress on.  Someone told me that I looked like Cinderella and from that moment on I was sold.  I wanted to be a princess.  Well, throughout the years I've looked into auditions, what they're like, what I'd need to prepare, where they're located... just everything!  I'd look up youtube videos and I was pumped.

However, I went to college and Disney went to the back burner.  The flame didn't come back until the very end of the semester.  I was TA-ing for a class and stayed to talk with a student afterwards.  Disney came up and it turns out that she had done the Disney College Program a little while ago and we got to talking about it for about two hours.  I left that room convinced that I was going to apply that night.  But then thoughts of reality started coming on my walk home.  What about college?  What about transferring to a different college like I had planned?  What about my relationship?? Six months is a long time for a long distance relationship.  What about all of the other plans I had?  I got home and, after talking to my mother, decided that I would apply.  There was no harm in trying. So I got online and..... they weren't accepting applications at the time.  I'd have to wait about two months for applications to be open again.

But when the applications re-opened I still had my doubts.  My relationship was a huge factor in everything, but I applied anyways.  I went through the process really quickly and long story short I'm now going to Disney World to work in Merchandise!!

So why the Disney College Program?
Disney is the largest entertainment company in the world! I want to be part of that.
Disney has core values that I support.  They focus on the family and building relationships there, and I love it!
Disney hires from the bottom up, so I decided to get my foot in the door with their college program then I'll hopefully work my way up!
Disney is happiness.  When they say that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, they're not lying!  My favorite place is Disneyland, and it might switch to Disney World soon, but it's still Disney.
With the Disney College Program, I'll be able to network like crazy and meet people from all over and who are at different levels!  To get anywhere in life, you really do need to know people.
I just love Disney. Plain as that.  Working for them is a dream come true!

I'm going to talk about each step in detail with this blog and hopefully I'll be able to help anyone who is trying to apply for Disney.  I LOVE comments and questions, so, if you have any questions, ask!! I'd love to answer!

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