Sunday, March 9, 2014

Web Based Interview

After the resume application process you may move on to the Web Based Interview!  Congrats if you make it this far!  The biggest thing with this interview is to be consistent with your answers.  Be sure you know yourself well.  Take the time to read the question, understand it completely, then answer it truthfully.  If you try to answer the question the way you think Disney wants you'll most likely slip up later on in the interview.  Be yourself!  That's what Disney wants to see - the real you!

When taking the WBI, go to a secluded area where you won't have any distractions.  Exit out of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other sites and focus on the interview.  Tell your friends and family that you'll be busy for the next half hour or so and that you need to be alone.  You want to be focused on these questions and not distracted by other things.

Now, most of the questions you're asked you'll be asked to rate by 1)Strongly agree 2)Agree 3)Neutral 4)Disagree or 5)Strongly Disagree.  Don't be afraid to use the strongly agree/disagree options!!!  I suggest using those options for nearly every question.  When I did my WBI I hit agree/disagree maybe twice and neutral once.  By using the stronger options, Disney will see that you take a stand behind what you think and that you're not flopping every which-way.  Be confident in your answers!

The first part of the interview is trying to get to know you and how you work.  Are you on time?  Do you smile a lot?  Are you concerned when you see someone that is upset?  Are you a positive person?  Do you work well with coworkers?  Again, use the strongly agree/disagree answers.

Some of the interview questions are timed, but don't psych yourself out over it! :)  They give you enough time to read the question, think about it for a couple seconds, then pick your answer.  And if you run out of time for a question, no worries!  I missed one question because of timing and I still moved on to the phone interview and eventually was hired.  So it's not a huge deal if you don't click an answer fast enough.  Now, if you're missing like 5-10 questions, I'd try really really hard to decide on an answer faster.

But the thing I can't stress enough is to be consistent with your answers!  You'll be asked similar questions like 1)I'm always on time 2)I'm never late and 3)I'm often on time.  These questions are similar, but different at the same time.  Be sure your answers are sounding the same.

Once you finish the WBI, it's just one big long waiting game.  Some people have to wait two weeks to hear something, others move on the very same day.  I was lucky in the fact that I applied, took my WBI, and scheduled my phone interview all in the same day.  But others aren't nearly that lucky.  But don't stress about it!  You're not out of the running until you get an email saying that you're no longer being considered.  You just have to keep in mind that there are thousands of other people applying just like you!  It takes time to go through everyone's applications and interviews.  So put on some Disney movies, listen to some Disney tunes, go to your happy place, and (somewhat) patiently wait to hear from Disney :)

As always I'm more than willing to answer questions!  Go ahead and comment if you want to know anything and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

Good luck!!!

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